Drawing evolution

I posted an artwork on deviant art almost a year ago (LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE)

and it has most favorites in all of my art there. but it sucks……… and I wanna drawUntitled`10

it again.  (before, I didn’t have a graphics tablet to work with, so, I became resourceful to work with a mouse.



now this time I have a graphics tablet, and still today, I’m using it. (side fact: did you know that this france art is one of the first ones I’ve drawn using a tablet . with photoshop cs5, which sucks) and I’m still using the traditional-to-digital method until now. (this method involves, you drawing it using a mechanical pencil or even the traditional pencil, on paper (duh!) and then I will put it on our scanner yes, my parents work at home. oh, let us go back to our topic, but you have to connect it on the computer though. and also, when I’m in the computer, I transfer that from the folder where all scanned stuff are, into my personal folder and now I’ll open SAI and make shit.)



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